MyESC Network
Administrators & Leadership support provides professional development and expert assistance to superintendents, central office administrators, campus leadership and school boards. The service provides a link of communication between ESC Region 12, TEA, and local education agencies.
Superintendent Leadership Academy

Our Field Service Agents provide a liaison to connect superintendents with ESC Region 12 programs and services. They serve as a link of communication between ESC Region 12, TEA and education agencies, providing crucial policy and governance assistance.

Superintendent Leadership Services:
Our Field Service Agents provide a liaison to connect district superintendents with ESC Region 12 programs and services. They act as a link of communication between ESC Region 12, TEA and education agencies, providing crucial policy and governance assistance. We offer a wide array of training and services to help new administrators start off right.

Accountability - navigating the ever-evolving rules and requirements of both state and federal accountability, including Results-Driven Accountability and Data Validation Monitoring.


>> View the Superintendent Leadership Academy flyer


Leadership Co Op

Leaderships liaisons provide professional development, expert assistance and support to campus and central office administrators. Professional development offered as part of the membership is determined by our annual needs assessment, current trends and state priorities.


Professional Development includes:

  • Campus Leadership Collaboration Conference
  • Leadership PLC Collaboration
  • Book Study - Leadershift
  • Accountability
  • Master Scheduling
  • Instructional Leadership Symposium


>> View sessions included in this membership


>> View the Leadership Membership flyer

Personnel Plus Co Op

Members receive these services at a great membership package price.


Certification Services:

  • Current Certification information
  • Expert assistance for certification issues
  • Accurate, immediate responses to questions


Additional Benefits:

  • Annual Job Fair & Area Job Fairs
  • Free table at the annual job fair ($100 value)
  • Teacher recruitment for all ESC Region 12 districts at area job fairs

Professional Development:

  • Reduced fee for members to attend multiple workshops presented by TASB at Region 12 ($25 discount per person)


Personnel Directors’ Network Meetings:

  • Four working brunch meetings held during the school year  (9 am to 11 am)
  • Round-table discussions on current trends in personnel
  • Virtual and face-to-face options available
  • Best practices, shared by Personnel Directors or HR staff


>> View sessions included in this membership


>> View the Personnel Plus Membership flyer