General Education Services


ESC Region 12 offers a multitude of content area professional development, expert assistance, resources, research-based strategies and ongoing communication for PK-12 teachers to enhance their skills and knowledge in providing lessons that give students research, analysis and critical thinking skills needed to be successful on assessments. 
Content Areas
  • Contact:

    Kathryn Allen

    (254) 297-1268



    The ESC Region 12 RLA team aims to build reading and language arts skills for K-12 educators across the region. We partner with educators to provide instructional support and professional development, empowering them to help students access and respond to complex text, and develop as confident readers and writers. 


    Learn more > 


    Training opportunities >


    HB3 Reading Academies >

  • Contact:

    Denise Gilbert

    (254) 297-1272



    The ESC Region 12 Math team aims to build math content knowledge for our K-12 teachers across the region. The following aspects are included:

    • planning for alignment and depth of grade-level TEKS
    • utilizing the Concrete, Representation, Abstract (CRA) model to build both conceptual and procedural understanding
    • implementing learning experiences that foster ownership and transfer of knowledge by allowing students to be active participants in their learning


    Learn more >

    Training opportunities >

  • Contact:

    Lisa Cisneros

    (254) 297-1189



    The ESC Region 12 science team aims to build science content knowledge for K-12 teachers across the region. In addition, we provide ways for students to experience science in and outside the classroom, and demonstrate mastery of science content.


    Learn more >


    Training opportunities >

  • Contact:

    Natalie Honts

    (254) 297-1157



    The ESC Region 12 Social Studies team aims to build content knowledge for our K-12 teachers across the region. Our goal is to provide instructional support rooted in research and best practices to ensure educators are empowered to deliver high-quality social studies instruction.


    Learn more >


    Training opportunities >

  • Contact:

    Judy York

    (254) 297-1130



    The ESC Region 12 STEM team aims to build STEM awareness, opportunity, and education throughout the region by engaging with both schools and the community. STEM is not isolated to one content or age; rather, it can be implemented in all classrooms and exists throughout our communities.


    Learn more >


    Training opportunities >

Campus-Based Services
  • Contact:

    Courtney Ingram

    (254) 297-1160



    High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) is an optional, aligned suite of resources for Texas educators in the new learning environment. This free resource helps Texas educators use high quality instructional materials – one of the most impactful parts of a student’s education – in virtual, in-person, and hybrid settings with professional learning and technology supports for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.

    Learn more >

  • Contact:

    Denise Gilbert

    (254) 297-1272



    The Instructional Coaching Service provides PK-12 
    teachers with job-embedded expert assistance and sustainable, relevant and customizable instructional support to improve teacher and student success. 

    Customized services may include:

    • Campus-based professional development
    • Collaborative planning
    • Data analysis
    • Resource alignment
    • Classroom observations
    • Team teaching
    • Model teaching
    • Tier 1 Strategies to support MTSS

  • Contact:

    Jennifer Conner

    (254) 297-1153


    With on-site professional development, our specialists come to you! Choose courses customized to meet your district's needs. 


    Learn more >

  • Contact:

    Ginger Rowe

    (254) 297-1126



    Texas Lesson Study (TXLS) provides a framework for inquiry-based, campus-specific professional development for grades 
    K-12, in any content area. Participation in teams of 2 - 5 will dive deeply into a chosen standard while creating a detailed, research-based lesson for publication consideration.
    Benefits include:

    • FREE Participation (Grant-Funded)
    • Teachers receive a stipend for initial participation
    • All lesson study materials are provided
    • Sessions are held on campus, during school hours
    • Earn approximately 40 CPE credits
    • A TXLS Facilitator to guide the team through the process


    Learn more >

General Services
  • Contact:

    Joshua Essary

    (254) 297-1250



    The ESC Region 12 Digital Innovation Team is dedicated to revolutionizing classroom dynamics by empowering educators with cutting-edge tools and strategies. By promoting blended learning methodologies and personalized instruction, we equip educators with the resources to optimize learning outcomes and prepare students for success in the digital age.

  • Contact:

    Ashley Becknauld

    (254) 297-1221



    The ESC Region 12 Early Childhood team offers assistance to schools and communities across our region, aligning with high-quality prekindergarten components. Our goal is to offer professional development in line with best practices and all domains outlined in the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines. Additionally, the team implements instructional coaching models designed for continuous improvement, fostering better student outcomes in our high-quality prekindergarten programs for 3- and 4-year-olds. 


    Learn more >


    Training opportunities >

  • Contact:

    Kari Espin

    (254) 297-1123



    The ESC Region 12 Gifted and Talented Team supports educators in meeting the distinctive requirements outlined in the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted and Talented students. With a commitment to fostering excellence and nurturing the potential of gifted students, we're dedicated to ensuring every learner receives the specialized support they deserve.


    Learn more >


    Training opportunities >

  • Contact:

    Jennifer Conner

    (254) 297-1153



    Instructional Leadership Symposium (formerly Curriculum Council) provides an opportunity for campus and/or district-level decision makers in the area of curriculum and instruction to become knowledgeable about legislative changes, curriculum resources, and other timely curriculum initiatives through expert assistance and face-to-face professional development. District and Campus Administrators, Curriculum Directors, and Central Office Personnel for public and charter schools will receive timely and accurate statutory information concerning curriculum, instruction and state assessments.


    Learn more >

  • Contact:

    Kathryn Allen

    (254) 297-1268



    The Instructional Materials Adoption processes require strategic planning by the district's curriculum, technology and textbook coordinators since the IMA appropriations include instructional materials, technology equipment and technology-related service.


    Learn more >

  • Contact:

    Joshua Essary

    (254) 297-1250



    ESC Region 12 offers support for instructional technology coaches and/or facilitators, media specialists and librarians. These services provide opportunities to create relationships through intentional conversations to foster change through innovative tools and learning practices.

    Learn more >
  • Contact:

    Andi McNair

    (254) 297-1291



    ESC Region 12 educational specialists are widely considered leaders in education, speaking at conferences across the nation as experts in their field. Many of these specialists can be contracted as keynote speakers for your events, conferences or on-site professional development.

    Andi McNair, ESC Region 12 SpecialistAndi was a classroom teacher for 16 years before pursuing her passion to change education by sharing practical ways to engage and empower this generation of learners. She is currently a digital innovation specialist at ESC Region 12 and is passionate about using meaningful technology in the classroom.

    Andi’s keynotes are designed to shift mindsets and change perspectives.  She spends time helping the audience understand the “why” first, then moves into the “how” to make it happen in any classroom, on any campus, or in any district.


    Visit Andi McNair's site >
  • Contact:

    Ashley Becknauld

    (254) 297-1221



    The Pre-K Outcomes Framework is designed to support early childhood educators in their effort to provide high-quality instruction and learning.  This framework, aligned to the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines, includes Core content area units, purposeful planning guides, recommended timelines and materials, as well as unit assessments. An introductory Pre-K Outcomes Framework 101 training is provided with the purchase of access to the planning tool. 

  • Contact:

    Katie Holcomb

    (254) 297-1143



    These academies are provided based on House Bill 3, passed by the 86th Texas Legislature in June of 2019. In accordance with this bill, all kindergarten through third grade teachers and principals must attend a teacher literacy achievement academy by the 2022-2023 school year.


    Learn more >

  • Contact:

    Crystal Robinson

    (254) 297-1217



    This program provides professional development through training, technical assistance and leadership to develop a district/campus framework that addresses the needs of all students. This is accomplished through a continuum of services which provide high-quality instruction and tiered intervention strategies aligned with individual student needs for grades K-12, frequent monitoring of progress to make results-based academic or behavioral decisions and the application of child response data to important educational decisions.

    Customizable assistance includes:

    • RtI needs assessment for district/campus
    • RtI documentation development
    • Program evaluation
    • Design of RtI process for district/campus
    • Data collection and use for guiding instruction
    • Coaching support for RtI implementation
    • Coaching support for interventionists
    • Professional development


    Learn more >


    Training Opportunities >

  • Contact:

    Crystal Robinson

    (254) 297-1217



    Section 504 is a federal law designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. ESC Region 12 supports districts and charter schools in their understanding and implementation of these federal requirements by offering professional development and technical assistance.

    Learn more >


    Training opportunities >

  • Contact:

    Lisa Cisneros

    (254) 297-1189



    TEKS Resource System Leadership SuppTEKS RSort provides an opportunity for campus and/or district-level administrators to receive development updates and professional development related to the TEKS Resource System. 

    Services include:

    • TEKS Resource System Leadership Network Meetings
    • Expert Assistance
    • Ongoing Communication


  • Contact:

    Ashlie Bramlett

    (254) 297-1205



    Region 12 is now providing Tier One Behavioral services through Instructional Coaching and Professional Development! Our goal is to increase student outcomes and engagement through strong Tier One systems in every classroom by giving educators the tools they need to encourage positive behavior.

  • The Enhanced Curriculum Membership offers a wealth of content area training and services at discounted prices or at no additional cost. This is an excellent option for districts who are looking for methods to implement systemic change!

    Enhanced Curriculum Membership Flyer >

  • Contact:

    Kari Espin

    (254) 297-1123



    The Gifted and Talented Membership provides professional development and expert assistance to PK-12 teachers and administrators in the ESC Region 12 area at a discounted price.

    Benefits include:

    • 30 hours of initial G/T training
    • Six-hour G/T training for counselors & administrators
    • Six-hour G/T update on various topics at ESC Region 12
    • Six-hour G/T update on various topics on-line
    • Online G/T training at a discounted priced
    • Annual G/T Summer Conference
    • Expert assistance in options, planning & implementing of G/T programs


    G/T Membership Flyer >

  • Contact:

    Lisa Cisneros

    (254) 297-1189



    The TEKS Resource System (TEKS RS) offers a comprehensive, customizable, user-friendly curriculum management system built on current research-based practices. Its primary focus is to create an aligned curriculum for the four core content areas in grades K-12.


    Benefits include:

    • TEKS RS 101 for administrators & teachers
    • TCMPC Newsletter
    • Evidence-based professional development
    • Expert assistance
    • TCMPC Updates
    • Implementing TEKSRS+


    TCR consists of curriculum documents designed by TCMPC to help Texas educators best utilize the Open Education Resources (formally known as Eureka, Carnegie, and Amplify). These include the Vertical Alignment Document, and Instructional Focus Document.

    To activate this for your campus/district, please reach out to Lisa Cisneros.



    The TExGUIDE resource serves as a bridge between curriculum, aligned resources, and instructional planning. TExGUIDEs provide teachers with a platform to easily access TEKS-aligned resources; they increase the efficiency and quality of lesson planning for teachers and positively influence student performance.

    This resource is only available for districts using TEKS Resource System; the TExGUIDEs are aligned with the TEKS RS Year at a Glance (YAG) document and link to relevant TEKS RS resources. 

    The benefits of the TExGUIDE membership include:

    • Resources and activities aligned to TEKS Resource System YAGs and grade level Units for assessed grade levels
    • TEKS Resource System updates and newsletters at no additional charge
    • Ongoing communication and expert assistance


    TCR & TEKS Resource Membership Flyer >

General Education Services
General Education Grant Specialist
(254) 297-2976
Education Specialist
(254) 297-1268
Education Specialist
(254) 297-2932
Math, RBIS
Continuous Improvement Specialist
(254) 297-1221
Early Childhood
Education Specialist
(254) 297-1205
Tier 1 Behavior & Tutoring Specialist
Education Specialist, TEKS Resource System Lead
(254) 297-1189
Science, TEKS Resource System
Education Specialist
(254) 297-2938
(254) 297-1153
Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)
(254) 297-1162
Digital Innovation, RLA & G/T
Reading Academy Cohort Leader
(254) 297-1213
RLA, Reading Academies, RBIS
Education Specialist
(254) 297-1250
Digital Innovation & Blended Learning
Assistant Director
(254) 297-1272
Continuous Improvement Specialist
(254) 297-1249
Math, RBIS, Zeam
Literacy Specialist
(254) 297-2933
Reading Academy Assistant
(254) 297-1143
Reading Academies
Education Specialist
(254) 297-1157
Social Studies, RLA
(254) 297-2948
Bric Office Manager
(254) 297-1256
Science, LEx Labs
Education Specialist/Team Leader
(254) 297-1160
Strong Foundations, HQIM Specialist, RBIS
Education Specialist
(254) 297-1123
Digital Innovation, Gifted & Talented
Education Specialist
(254) 297-2937
Education Specialist
(254) 297-1291
Digital Innovation, Gifted & Talented
Education Specialist
(254) 297-1184
Education Specialist
(254) 297-2936
Department Assistant
(254) 297-1128
Education Specialist
(254) 297-1126
Texas Lesson Study Consultant
Education Specialist
(254) 297-2945
Education Specialist
(254) 297-1190
Education Specialist
(254) 297-1131
Education Specialist / Coordinator
(254) 297-1130
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