MyESC Network
School Support
The Federal Programs department provides support and professional development to all ESC Region 12 Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and the federal program memberships. Staff provide direct support through personalized expert assistance with a focus on federal compliance and continuous improvement.
Title I Part C Migrant

This Shared Services Arrangement provides districts with direct services required under the Title I, Part C (Migrant Education Program) for migrant students and families.

Benefits include:

  • All Migrant Services Support
  • Completion of the ESSA Consolidated Application for Funding
  • Completion and submission of the ESSA Compliance Report



>> View Title I, Part C Migrant SSA flyer

Title III, Part A Bilingual - ESL, LEP SSA

Title III, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), aims to ensure that English learners (ELs) and immigrant students attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement in English.

Benefits include:

  • Completion of the Title II, Part A Federal Application, TEA negotiations and Compliance Report
  • Assistance in meeting state and federal requirements
  • Training on Bilingual/ESL topics including LPAC, ESL strategies, assessment of English Learners and Content-Based Language Instruction


>> View sessions included in this SSA


>> View the Title III, Part A Bilingual - ESL SSA flyer