Shadow of man looking at large computer screen of data
Data Solutions


Embark on a journey towards educational excellence with ESC Region 12. We are committed to providing cutting-edge solutions that empower leaders and elevate student success. Introducing the latest advancement in professional development tracking: the revamped Omnitrack platform. Alongside this innovative tool, our comprehensive suite of services includes EdSpire for curriculum enhancement, TEKSBank for seamless access to educational standards, Eduphoria for efficient administrative tasks, DMAC Solutions for comprehensive data management, and Discovery Education for captivating learning resources. Trust ESC Region 12 to guide your institution towards unparalleled success.

Services include:
  • Contact:

    Haily Rambo

    (254) 297-1227



    The Data Analysis Support Service provides professional development and expert assistance to PK-12 educators and administrators in the ESC Region 12 area. We support teachers and campus leaders in the practice of data based decision making.

    Services include:

    • TEKS and STAAR Data Support
    • TSDS Support and Professional Development
    • Evidence-Based Professional Development
    • Expert Assistance
    • Ongoing Communication


  • Digital Learning Network (by combining the Technology Coordinators and Contacts group with the DigIn group) in an effort to bring together technology coordinators and digital innovation leaders. The goal of this collaborative network is to learn, grow and work together as we innovate and transform education.

    Benefits include:

    • Meaningful learning experiences designed to promote collaboration as we explore solutions and ideas to innovate and transform education
    • On-demand support and collaborative opportunities
    • Face-to-face meetings offered twice per semester
    • Updates on regional, state and national technology issues, events and funding opportunities
    • Opportunities to learn and experience the latest technologies for learning
    • ESC Region 12 Mailing Lists – r12digin and r12tech
  • Contact:

    Paul Guardiola

    (254) 297-1151



    A flexible K-12 learning platform that provides high quality, relevant and engaging content, instructional strategies, customizable lessons, teaching & assessment tools, collaboration tools and professional development resources to facilitate instruction.

    • Support Includes:
      • Information dissemination
      • Account management
      • Professional development
      • Expert assistance


    Discovery Education Virtual Resources/Training

    2022-2023 R12 Discovery Education Services Members


    (opens PDF document) 

    Learn more >


    Training opportunities >

  • Contact:

    Paul Guardiola

    (254) 297-1151



    The web-based applications provided by DMAC® exist to supply Texas educators with state-of-the-art tools and services necessary to develop and improve the quality of education provided to students. This allows for more time with students and less time planning, testing, grading and disaggregating data. Designed for educators, by educators, DMAC® also provides unlimited customer support via phone and webinars to all users at no additional cost.

    Applications include:

    • State Assessment - STAAR, TELPAS and Interim Assessments-Local Assessments
    • TEKScore – Local Assessments. A complete toolkit for administering and reporting on local assessments (aligned to TEKS, ELPS and/or AP)s 
    • TAG - TEKS Assessment Generator/Online Test Item Bank 
    • TPRI – TPRI data collection, reporting and analysis
    • Tejas Lee – Tejas LEE data collection, reporting and analysis.
    • Lead4ward – Harness the power of DMAC to create digital versions of the data tools recommended by lead4ward during their statewide trainings on how to use state and local data to help students and improve instruction
    • PlanWorksTM – Develop and maintain plans that comply with state and federal requirements (TEA and ESSA)
    • LPAC – Create and manage ESL and Bilingual forms and letters; Integrates with other DMAC applications assisting with data entry and documentation for EL population
    • Learning Plans – Create and maintain Accelerated Learning Plans (ALP) or Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) plans for individual students
    • FormWorks® – Create forms and collect data
    • Appraisals – TESS, T-PESS & PDAS. Meet state-mandated requirements for teacher and principal appraisals. Complete and electronically sign documentation online; Reports included for the Texas Incentive Allotment (TIA)
    • PGP High School & PGP Intervention – Develop and maintain four-year plans for high school students. Select assigned courses, graduation plans, Endorsements, Programs of Study and document credits; Meets requirements of HB5
    • CIA Alignment – Align and map district built curriculum (i.e., TEKS, ELPS and AP)




    Important Links


    Training opportunities >

  • Contact:

    Paul Guardiola

    (254) 297-1151



    An enhanced system for simplifying test construction, administering assessments and analyzing student progress. LEAs who do not have the Eduphoria suite may purchase Aware alone.

    Benefits include:

    • Dynamic data analysis engine for STAAR, local and other common assessments
    • Local assessment creation & management
    • Multiple options for student response collection
    • Student monitoring using customizable forms
    • Accountability reports
  • Contact:

    Paul Guardiola

    (254) 297-1151



    Welcome to EdSpire, the revolutionary online software platform designed for educators and students in Region 12. EdSpire empowers schools by tracking TSIA2 performance, calculating state accountability projections, and providing advanced data analysis capabilities. With EdSpire, educational specialists and coordinators can access a suite of tools that facilitate detailed performance monitoring and strategic goal setting.


    Key Features:

    • Comprehensive Analytics: Instantly calculate Domain I, II, & III projections for all local assessments. Our TSIA2 Performance Reports offer advanced analytics, including the number of student attempts and passing probabilities.
    • Performance Tracking: Auto-synced TSIA2 scored allow teachers and students to monitor performance effortlessly. Unlock Performance Certificates to motivate and recognize student achievements.
    • Goal Setting Engine: Our Intelligent Goal Setting Engine assists in creating smart, achievable goal tailored for your campus, enhancing teacher and student performance.
    • Tutorial and Growth Tracking: Seamlessly track HB1416 tutorial hours alongside achievement and growth progress for each student, ensuring everyone stays on track towards meeting their educational goals.


    Learn more >

  • Contact:

    Paul Guardiola

    (254) 297-1151



    Enhance Professional Development with OmniTrack

    OmniTrack offers a streamlined, comprehensive software solution for managing professional development within educational institutions and businesses. Simplify the tracking and accreditation of all training activities with key features designed for efficiency and easy of use. 


    Core Features:

    • Unified Transcript System: Consolidate records from all types of training in one place
    • Event Management: Manage events, registrations, and facility bookings seamlessly
    • Dynamic Reporting: Access real-time stats and insights with customizable reporting tools
    • Integrated Badging: Automate badge creation and scanning for events
    • Custom Branding: Tailor OmniTrack to match your organization's branding


    Additional Tools:

    • Integrated Event Calendar
    • Waitlist and Payment Processing
    • Single Sign-On
    • Responsive Design
    • Customer Support


    Learn more >

  • Contact:

    Paul Guardiola

    (254) 297-1151



    Survey Services allows districts to meet survey needs. Complements or replaces traditional paper or telephone surveys. Districts can design and use a wide range of surveys such as customer satisfaction surveys, student surveys, parent surveys, community surveys, training evaluations, and federal program surveys.     

    This service includes:

    • Assisting the district in the development of the survey
    • Administering the survey via using scanning forms, the Internet, e-mail or a combination of these approaches
    • Providing analysis of data through statistical reports
    • Warehousing data and reports
    • Presenting tailored reports to designated audiences
  • Contact:

    Joshua Essary

    (254) 297-1250




    The Technology Alliance for Statewide Initiatives, TASI, supports K-12 educators statewide by providing videoconferencing services that save valuable time and money in travel.  TASI is funded by the twenty Education Service Centers and the Texas Education Agency.  Some examples of videoconferences scheduled on TASI include administrative meetings, professional development, Legislative and policy updates, public hearings on Commissioner rules, and peer collaboration for special education specialists.  TASI also supports students through dual-credit courses, High School courses, and virtual field trips.

    TASI Digital Recordings

    TASI digitally records all statewide videoconferences. The ESC Region 12 is covering the cost of the TASI's so that Region 12 districts do not have to be a member of a COOP to receive access to recorded events.  Recordings are accessed by using a computer and are protected by an access login.

    TASI Requests

    Please register in ESCWorks to participate in a TASI session.  The link will be emailed to you once you have registered.  If you would like access to the recording of a TASI, please contact the ESC Region 12 specialist over the session.

  • Contact:

    Joshua Essary

    (254) 297-1250



    Education Service Center Region 12, in partnership with the Texas Education Agency, serves as the Regional Liaison for the Texas Virtual School Network (TXVSN) and provides assistance and support to Region 12 districts interested in participating in this statewide network.


    Learn more >
Hands of man in suit using laptop



  Subscribe to Our Email Groups


DMAC Email Group(opens external link in new window)

This email group is available for those interested in DMAC software for data management solutions. It will be used to provide information about training, support and resources for data management. Join now >(opens external link in new window)


eduphoria! Email Group(opens external link in new window)

This email group is available for those interested in Eduphoria software for data management solutions. It will be used to provide information about training, support and resources for data management. Join now >