General Education Services
Digital Innovation Header - learn, connect, inspire

Andi McNair headshot


Andi McNair

(254) 297-1291

Joshua Essary headshot


Joshua Essary

(254) 297-1250

Kari Espin headshot


Kari Espin

(254) 297-1123

Digital Innovation

When it comes to innovation in the classroom, the digital innovation team can play a crucial role in helping teachers to develop new and creative ways to engage students and enhance learning outcomes. Here are a few examples:

  1. Digital tools and platforms: The team can suggest new digital tools and platforms that can help teachers create interactive and engaging learning experiences. For example, they might recommend virtual reality tools for science classes, or gamified learning platforms that help students learn through play.
  2. Collaborative learning: The team can work with teachers to develop new strategies for collaborative learning that make use of digital tools. For example, they might suggest collaborative project-based learning, where students work together on a digital platform to complete a project.
  3. Personalized learning: The team can help teachers create personalized learning experiences for students, where the pace and content of learning is tailored to the individual needs of each student. They might recommend adaptive learning platforms or other digital tools that can help teachers to personalize the learning experience.
  4. Blended learning: The team can work with teachers to develop blended learning approaches that combine face-to-face and online learning. This can allow students to learn at their own pace and help teachers to differentiate instruction.

Overall, the digital innovation team can help teachers to embrace new technologies and teaching strategies that enhance student engagement, improve learning outcomes, and prepare students for the digital world.

  • Join Our Group

    The ESC Region 12 Google Educators group is a group of people who want to learn more about Google and share what they know about Google. By joining (for free), you get the following benefits:

    • Access to our open forum
      • Talk Google with Educators
    • Monthly Google Updates
      • 1 hour virtual meeting
    • Demonstrations/How-Tos

    Join Group

    Monthly Updates

    This next meeting will be Thursday, May 23 from 1pm-2pm. Click here to subscribe to the calendar (or here for just this month's event) so you don't miss any meetings. Zoom link can be obtained by the Google Group board or requesting one to

    Are you interested in sharing learning during our live monthly update via Zoom? Do you want to share a professional learning opportunity? Email Josh Essary

    Video Archive

    Agenda Archive

    Find all of our archived agendas in this shared Google Drive Folder


  • Join Our Group

    The ESC Region 12 Microsoft Educators group is a group of people who want to learn more about Microsoft and share what they know about Microsoft and how it works in the classroom. By joining (for free), you get the following benefits:

    • Access to our open Teams Channel
      • Talk Microsoft with Educators
    • Monthly Microsoft Updates
      • 1 hour virtual meeting
    • Demonstrations/How-Tos

    Join Group

    Monthly Updates

    This next meeting will be Thursday, March 28 from 1pm-2pm. Click here to subscribe to our Calendar so you don't miss any meetings. Zoom link can be obtained by the Microsoft Teams channel or clicking the button below.

    Are you interested in sharing learning during our live monthly update? Do you want to share a professional learning opportunity? Email Josh Essary
Blended Learning Collaborative

Transform Your Classrooms with Blended Learning!

Introducing the Blended Learning Collaborative!

This exciting new program, inspired by the successful Raising Blended Learners model, empowers educators to create dynamic classrooms that personalize learning for every student. Here's what sets us apart:

  • Deep Dive into Blended Learning: Our comprehensive program features six, 3-hour workshops—each focusing on a key pillar of Blended Learning, like Student Experience and Personalized Learning. Teachers will collaborate, plan implementation strategies for their teams, and walk away with practical tools.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Our partnership with your designated Project Manager ensures ongoing support. ESC Specialists will collect data throughout the program, allowing you to measure student growth and identify needs. A user-friendly data visualization package provides clear insights for all stakeholders.
  • Dedicated Support: Don't go it alone! Two ESC Specialists will hold dedicated office hours specifically for your cohort, offering ongoing guidance and technical assistance for your leadership team and Project Manager.
  • Implementation Planning: In collaboration with the Project Manager and teacher teams, ESC Specialists will help you develop action plans to implement and refine your blended learning skills between specialist visits.

Ignite the spark of personalized learning and empower every student to reach their full potential! Contact us today to learn more and join the Blended Learning Initiative.

  • Teachers and instructional leaders utilize a systematic approach to assessment and data informed teaching to design and deliver instruction based on students’ specific learning needs, monitor student learning and provide feedback to students.  
  • Students are offered a variety of learning opportunities to master standards according to differentiated learning objectives dependent on students’ level of mastery, and frequently receive individual feedback about their progress.
  • Refers to the level of control, autonomy, and power that a student experiences in an educational situation.  It can be manifested through goal setting and feedback cycles, input in assessment and instruction decisions and opportunities for advocacy.
  • Students develop positive, collaborative relationships with teachers, other adults/mentors and peers which are focused on high expectations for academic and personal growth
  • Students engage in the work of the lesson, think critically and do heavy lifting on content that is grade-level, college-ready or student appropriate, and continually practice and receive feedback until mastery is demonstrated.
Blended Learning logo
  • Your Name
    Phone Number




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ESC Region 12 educational specialists are widely considered leaders in education, speaking at conferences across the nation as experts in their field. Many of these specialists can be contracted as keynote speakers for your events, conferences or on-site professional development.


Andi McNair, ESC Region 12 Specialist

Andi was a classroom teacher for 16 years before pursuing her passion to change education by sharing practical ways to engage and empower this generation of learners. She is currently a digital innovation specialist at ESC Region 12 and is passionate about using meaningful technology in the classroom.

Andi’s keynotes are designed to shift mindsets and change perspectives.  She spends time helping the audience understand the “why” first, then moves into the “how” to make it happen in any classroom, on any campus, or in any district.

Visit Andi McNair's site >

The Innovative Teaching Academy is a learning experience that will prepare educators to engage and empower this generation of learners. The length of this program lasts 1 year, and consists of attending learning experiences, connecting with other educators, and inspiring others by sharing what you have learned. 

More information to come.

Contact us from information above if you would like us to add you to a notification list when the application goes live.

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