Administrators & Leadership
Communications Services
Picture of Communication Team

Communications Services 

Prospective and current students, families and employees are listening closely to your messaging as they decide where to send their children, where to work and whether or not to support your goals. Speaking of goals, how are you communicating your strategic priorities to all of your stakeholders?


We can help enhance your efforts through personal and affordable services.


  • Communications & Branding 

  • Design Services

  • Crisis Communication Support

  • Communications Assessment

  • Photography & Videography

  • Training

Our team can help you
create and implement proactive,
targeted, and customized messages
that support your strategic goals.
  • We value the power and effectiveness of face-to-face interviews, focus groups and target audience involvement in our review process. Our team will conduct on-site, individual and small group interviews with staff and stakeholders. Through a series of questions and exploration, interview comments will be recorded, summarized and presented in a final report with an analysis of similarities and common themes. It is important to engage a broad representation of all target audience groups. The consultant will work closely with staff to develop the interview schedule. This task will include an electronic survey to be emailed to staff and stakeholders.
  • This activity goes hand-in-hand with the on-site interviews. The ESC Region 12 communications team will conduct a thorough analysis of your communications and/or publications, website, social media efforts and other tools. The team will review message delivery, tone and presentation, as well as website appeal, functionality, navigation and design impact. The final report will include strategies and recommendations for enhancing materials, messaging and communication; specifically, how to make the best use of existing or new tools. Our design team will review website map navigation, user experience and design impact and, if necessary, make recommendations for enhancing the site based on stakeholder feedback.
  • Final report includes a summary of all data from the interviews and surveys, observations, recommendations and other material designed to help you reach your communication goals. In addition to the report, the consultant will prepare a PowerPoint presentation to share data, findings and recommendations that can be easily shared.
Courville, Taryn
Communications & Digital Media Specialist
(254) 297-1270
Naspretto, Alicia
Digital Content & Web Specialist
(254) 297-1216
Ramirez, Abbie
Graphic Design & Communications Specialist
(254) 297-1243
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