Federal Programs
Parent & Family Engagement Header
Two elementary aged children walking on either side of an older woman, likely their caretaker, with their arms wrapped around each other. They are walking away from the camera.


Parent & Family Engagement (PFE)


Parent & Family Engagement (PFE) is part of Title I, Part A, and can be found in statute, ESSA Sec. 1116, “..to ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to improve academic achievement, each school and LEA shall provide various services and trainings.” 

There are several mandated components to PFE that are valuable and effective tools that truly and authentically engage parents in student learning.  ESC Region 12 will provide ongoing and continuous technical assistance and support for Title I, Part A, PFE implementation requirements.  Additionally, ESC Region 12 will provide training and resources for districts and campuses on PFE implementation and compliance, including helpful resources such as the three newly released PFE Toolkits:

  • Annual Title I Meeting
  • PFE Policy
  • PFE Evaluation 






Polo Vielma Headshot

Polo Vielma

(254) 297-1214



Ellen Hogan Headshot

Ellen Hogan

(254) 297-1195




Upcoming Statewide Training